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For the love of trees (in Virgo Season)

A Love Letter to the Trees

Have I officially lost my mind, sitting here writing a letter of adoration to trees? Maybe, but in the most liberating way. As I’ve navigated through Virgo season, I keep returning to the trees and how perfectly they embody this time of year. Virgo season is a transition—a subtle shift from the sun's longest days towards a time of gathering inward. The days grow shorter, and how do the trees respond? They begin to lose their leaves. The bond between leaf and branch weakens and then separates. Every leaf scattered on the ground was once part of a larger story, yet as the tree prepares to conserve its energy, it lets them go. In its bareness, the tree stands as a beautiful presence, stripped down to its essence.

A Pinelands forrest in NJ, taken from my Forrest Ecology class (2010)

This is Virgo’s essence—a purification process, a clearing away of what’s no longer needed to become a vessel of stored energy. Humility is born from this act of letting go, a separation from what once was. It’s nothing and everything all at once. Just as trees shed their leaves, we too feel this shift. As the school year begins and the heat of summer fades, we let go of those parts of ourselves that shone brightly. We turn inward, becoming vessels to hold what is needed, to be of service in our own way.

In Pennsylvania when I worked as an Outdoor Educator (2011)

This season offers us a chance to refine our awareness of service, to approach our work and daily commitments from a place of devotion. It's an invitation to explore what it means to live in a service-oriented way, to see our lives as part of our Soul’s growth. Just as the trees focus on conserving energy, we too are called to direct our energy inward—to nourish our roots and stabilize our foundations.

A tree fern in Victoria, Australia along the Great Ocean Road (2012)

At times, we may think a tree without leaves is less beautiful, its imperfections exposed. But the tree stands humble, steady in its presence. It knows that this internal work is essential to its health and stability. Virgo, a yin sign representing the divine feminine, honors this stillness, the art of just being. It teaches us discernment—what to keep, what to let go of, and what truly matters in this moment.

A hallowed out tree along the Great Ocean Road (2012)

Over the years, I’ve been captivated by trees—their shape, color, size, texture. I’ve taken countless photos with them, feeling their quiet wisdom and invitation to enjoy their beauty. Perhaps I’ve known a few of these trees in past lives. Do you have a fond memory of a tree from childhood or now?

Uluru, Australia (2013)

During my first astrology reading over six years ago, I was told I should live surrounded by trees and water. At the time, it felt like an impossible dream. Yet, here I am, waking up every day to a window full of trees. My home has captured my heart, just as that astrologer said it would.

A beautiful Willow tree in Pennsylvania (2011)

A tree along the Grand Canyon Trail (2018 - my middle child in my belly!)

Trees offer us so much, and I am endlessly grateful to be surrounded by them. If you haven’t done so in a while, I invite you to go and place your hand on a tree—maybe even give it a hug. Listen to it. Just be with it. Allow it to hold the things you can’t carry anymore, and in return, let it offer you the energy you’ve been searching for. And don’t forget to give thanks.

With love and gratitude,


A hallowed out tree in Tasmania, Australia (2015)

Massive tree roots in the Mossman Gorge, north Queensland, Australia ( 2015)

Tree formation on a Cairns, Queensland beach (2015)

A very wise tree in North Queensland, Australia (2015)

Walking through the Daintree Rainforest in Queensland (2015)

Outside my bedroom window (2023)

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